Donate or Sponsor today!

Looking to volunteer?  Click here!









 Register or Login

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, 
you can use the same log-in here.



  1. Click on My Account/My Forms and Complete Family Information
  2. Purchase your Senior Yard Sign! (optional)
  3. Purchase your Senior’s Graduation Celebration ticket and complete the Student Contract and Parent Consent forms (Begins 1/15)
  4. Purchase Graduation Celebration T-Shirt for your Senior and parents if volunteering at the event or at the senior pep rally – (Begins 1/15)
  5. Make a Donation
    -Make a general donation to support in-need students or the event
    -Help to purchase prizes for Graduation Celebration
    -Be a GC Sponsor
  6. Sign up to volunteer with Graduation Celebration
    -Graduation Celebration T-Shirt suggested for all volunteers

Please Note: 

  • Early Bird pricing for Graduation Celebration Tickets increases after March 22.
  • The last date to purchase a Graduation Celebration ticket and be guaranteed a prize at the event is May 1.  Absolutely no tickets will be sold/issued after 11:59 pm on Wed. May 15.


Graduation Celebration is not a Prosper Independent School District-sponsored event; PHOTOS and VIDEOS will be taken throughout the event to be used for future advertising, published on social media, etc.



PISD Graduation Celebration

P.O. Box 51

Prosper, TX 75078


PISD Graduation Celebration is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit oranization.