2025 Graduation Celebration Donations

To honor the Prosper Independent School District (PISD) senior classes of 2025, volunteers within PISD are organizing a Graduation Celebration. We hope we can count on your support this year. 


This event is completely self-supporting as no funds come from the school district budget. It is only through the generosity of parents, townspeople, and sponsorships from local businesses and organizations that we are able to host this Celebration. We expect over 900 seniors to attend this year! Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 for the event. All monetary donations will be used to provide the entertainment, food, and door prizes (computers, dorm fridges, tablets, etc.) for our seniors to help them enter the next phase of their lives.


For those who choose a sponsorship level, various perks are included with your donation, as detailed below.


Foundational Sponsors ($10,000 and up)

  • Mentioned on the 2025 Parent Facebook pages and all PISDGC social channels
  • Featured on the Graduation Celebration website
  • Included on the sponsor banner at all HS campuses the week of the event and at the event
  • Mentioned in the Principal Newsletters of PHS, WGHS and RHHS the week of graduation as well as in the PISD Express
  • Shout-out on A Few Minutes with Dr. Ferguson
  • Featured on the PHS, WGHS and RHHS marquees the week of graduation

Valedictorian Sponsors ($5000-$9999)

  • Mentioned on the 2025 Parent Facebook pages and all PISDGC social channels.
  • Featured on the Graduation Celebration website
  • Included on the sponsor banner at all HS campuses the week of the event and at the event
  • Mentioned in the Principal Newsletters of PHS, WGHS and RHHS the week of graduation as well as in the PISD Express
  • Shout-out on A Few Minutes with Dr. Ferguson 

 Salutatorian Sponsors ($2500-$4999)

  • Mentioned on the 2025 Parent Facebook pages and all PISDGC social channels
  • Featured on the Graduation Celebration website
  • Included on the sponsor banner at all HS campuses the week of the event and at the event
  • Mentioned in the Principal Newsletters of PHS, WGHS and RHHS the week of graduation as well as in the PISD Express

Magna Cum Laude Sponsors ($1000-$2499)

  • Mentioned on the 2025 Parent Facebook pages and all PISDGC social channels
  • Featured on the Graduation Celebration website
  • Included on the sponsor banner at all HS campuses the week of the event and at the event

Summa Cum Laude Sponsors ($500-$999 donation)

  • Mentioned on the 2025 Parent Facebook pages and all PISDGC social channels
  • Featured on the Graduation Celebration website

OR Let us design a custom Sponsorship for you!

  • We can customize a sponsorship to highlight your business in a unique way! Contact one of our fundraising representatives today! fundraising.pisdgc@gmail.com


Celebrating our seniors is one of the many traditions that makes this community special. More importantly, it promotes a sense of unity in our district as the senior classes from all PISD high schools come together one last time. We ask that you demonstrate your support by making a financial contribution towards this year's Graduation Celebration.


Thank you in advance for helping to make Graduation Celebration a terrific event that will hold special memories for the PISD Classes of 2025. 


PISD Graduation Celebration is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. All deductions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Upon receipt of your contribution, we will provide you with a confirmation letter for your records. 


Sponsorships, Donations and/or gift cards may be mailed to:

PISD Graduation Celebration

PO Box 51

Prosper, TX 75078


 Foundational Sponsorship$10,000.00 
 Valedictorian Sponsorship$5,000.00 
 Salutatorian Sponsorship$2,500.00 
 Magna Cum Laude Sponsorship$1,000.00 
 Summa Cum Laude Sponsorship$500.00 
 2025 Gift Card Donation more
 Sponsor - Recurring Donation
 Custom Donation Amount

Upload your company logo for recognition.


Thank you for your generous donation!